品牌简介IntroductioN for FulYouBio

IntroductioN for FulYouBio阜耀生物FulYouBio企业简介

阜耀生物FulYouBio, 是一家以材料为基础,技术为驱动,应用为导向的技术型企业。

团队专研植物提取/萃取/分子蒸馏、香料调香技术及应用17年,专注雾化 物材料技术及口/鼻腔呼吸类产品应用研究,低温烘烤类草本植物提取类材料技术及应用创新; 积累了超千种新型材料、技术和解决方案,广泛应用于呼吸类、电子雾化及加热烘烤型产品中,⻓期深入服务全球知名电子雾化/低温草本类品牌。  

2020年起,进一步锁定“天然植物/药⻝同源级草本植物”研究,专研天然芳香植物 及分离物材料、技术及应用创新。涵盖“烟用香精香料”、“气流洗脱颗粒”、“新型沉制品”三大板块材料研发和技术创新,全面应用和服务于传统烟草、新型烟草、电子雾化、日化香氛行业,为客户提供“材料+技术+应用”三位一体的产品解决方案,助力“大健康、呼吸类”产业及产品创新。

FulYouBio is a plant material-based, technology-driven, application-oriented technology-based industrial enterprises.

Our team specializes in plant extraction, separation, molecular distillation, application and fragrance technology and application for 16 years: Focusing on  liquid flavor’s materials, technology and the application of oral and nasal respiratory products, research and development and application innovation of low-temperature baked herb / plant extraction materials. Accumulating more than 1000 new materials、technology and product solutions. Widely used in respiratory, atomizing, baking products,  deeply participating in its product research and development, and forward-looking material innovation to promote the healthy and sustainable development of customers' products.

Since 2020, our company targeting on "natural plants/herbaceous plants of medicinal and edible origin”, take “natural health, reduce harm&increase efficiency, functionalization” as value proposition, focusing on research on the natural aromatic plants and isolates, materials, technology and application innovation. Base on 16 years experience in the application of spices, launch “FY-NTF atomizing liquid ” series materials and technology service.  set up a special project of "New Agarwood Products”, comprehensive anatomy and systematic development to promote the agarwood deep processing material, technology, and industry-product-consume innovation, and commit to the cross-border application innovation of materials, technologies and products in the direction of harm reduction and health To provide customers with "material + technology + application" Trinity product solutions. 

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